After several months of perseverance and commitment, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our updated website.

Visit us at our new website on
We wanted to make the website faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly with the ease of contacting us.
With our new website, you can take a detailed look at our Programme areas. VIHAAN works at the grassroots level to fight human trafficking and other forms of abuse and exploitation, and we have streamlined our programmes as six strategic priority areas to make it easier for users to understand their functions and implementation.
The six programmes pivot around – Education and child Safety, Skill development and livelihood generation, Rescue, Care and support, Legal intervention and Strengthening the environment.
One of our objectives during the redesign process was to create informative and user-centric content. It was important for us to showcase our Stories of Change section, where you can witness how your support, kindness and generosity are making a difference in people's lives.
The new website will give better access to the latest news and updates with the newly introduced Latest news section and has a contemporary design and compelling look.
You can easily and swiftly report cases of human trafficking via the website from our Contact Us page.
We hope you enjoy our new look! For any suggestions, questions, or comments, please send an e-mail to