‘Rising to the challenge’ – it is a story of our year 2022-2023. The twelve months have been transformative and evolutionary. I am delighted to announce the release of our Annual Report 2022-2023.

The Annual Report 2022-2023 ‘Rising to the challenge’ provides a solid overview of how VIHAAN works strategically to make sustainable changes that empower vulnerable people, protect the victims of human trafficking, support the survivors while accelerating the efforts to strengthen the ecosystem to fight human trafficking across India and beyond.
Throughout the year, we adapted, streamlined and created a solid foundation with the implementation of the new Strategic Plan 2022-2025 in which six programmatic areas are clearly defined with a set of concrete actions for each area to prevent human trafficking and support victims of human trafficking.
Programme 1: Education and child safety
Programme 2: Skill development and livelihood generation
Programme 3: Rescue
Programme 4: Care and support
Programme 5: Legal intervention
Programme 6: Strengthen the ecosystem
As you read through the Annual Report, you will see a lot of numbers – each number doesn’t reflect just one life, but millions of lives. One chance, one opportunity or one helping hand at the grassroots level for vulnerable populations and survivors of human trafficking has the power to become a positive driving force of change in families, communities and the next generation.
I wouldn’t say that the year has not been without its challenges. Yet, we never lost sight, kept focused on our mission, redefined resilience and emerged stronger – together as a team of VIHAAN.
Making human trafficking a rarity is deeply embedded within the core of VIHAAN – and with each passing year, I am deeply grateful for our partners, donors, supporters and employees. Yesterday, today and tomorrow, every move of VIHAAN becomes possible only because of you and your continued commitment.
The work is far from complete. We will continue to step up and accelerate our activation of our Strategic Plan 2022-2025 to fight human trafficking.
This year, our team has refreshed the look of the Annual Report and packaged it in a visually engaging format which will be an inspiring read for you. I encourage you to read the full report and share your thoughts, comments and feedback with info@vihaan-wms.org.
Best regards,
Samir Baptist
Chief Executive Officer - VIHAAN