VIHAAN means ray of light or the dawn in Sanskrit - stands for hope and freedom. With our work, we aim to bring light into the lives of the survivors and those who are the most vulnerable.

Until December 2018, Waste Management Society (WMS) worked through the project called ‘Justice and Care’, fighting human trafficking through prevention, protection, prosecution and partnerships across India. Over the years, our work has saved many lives, brought hope and given new beginnings. Our project VIHAAN closely captures what we do and stand for.

VIHAAN seeks to model, institutionalise and scale effective solutions specific to the crime of human trafficking and other forms of abuse and exploitation. We work with the victims of sexual abuse and exploitation, bonded and child labour, domestic servitude and beggary.

VIHAAN’s vision is to create a world free from abuse and exploitation, where every person lives with dignity. We believe that we can realise our vision through a strong collaborative approach with the State and Judiciary and other like-minded organisations. Internally, VIHAAN brings together a team of experts – social workers, counsellors, lawyers and researchers – to share knowledge, find solutions and fight the crime. Through the work we do, we implement a number of frontline efforts and programmes directed at eliminating all forms of human trafficking. We use a victim-centric, end-to-end approach to facilitate rescue, provide access to legal support as well as provide rehabilitation and reintegration of survivors.

We cover the North, South, East and West of India with bases in New Delhi, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Mumbai and Patna.

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